Featuring the launch of the Healthscaping WebGIS
Friday, 25 June 2021, 15:00-18:00 CEST/ 9:00-12:00 EST
15:00 Introduction: Launching the Healthscaping Map
Guy Geltner, University of Amsterdam and Monash University
15:10 Mapping Public Health Measures in Late Medieval Bologna
Taylor Zaneri, University of Amsterdam
15:40 Pollution Issues in Late Medieval Bologna from the Fiscal Sources’ Point of View
Rosa Smurra, University of Bologna
16:10 The Demographic and Health Context and Consequences of Plague in Medieval London
Sharon DeWitte, University of South Carolina
17:00 Discussant
Nicholas Terpstra, University of Toronto
Please email p.amiri@uva.nl to register and receive the zoom link.
You can watch the recording of this workshop here.