(see our Youtube channel here)
29 October 2024, “Hiding in Plain Sight”
Edited by Daniel Italia-Prasad, featuring Guy Geltner, Hilary Gopnik, Nicolas Minvielle Larousse, Erin Brodie, and others. This video summarises the work of the Incubator project, “The Forgotten Silver Age of Sardinia: Miners, metallurgy and the environment in the Iglesias region, 12th-14th centuries” (project page here).
17-18 October 2024: “Paesaggi minerari dell’Italia medievale – giovedì 17 ottobre ore 15.00”, Mining landscapes of medieval Italy – Thursday 17 October at 3.00 pm Session.
Several scholars present work on medieval mining landscapes in Italy. This conference was organsied by Luisa Dallai and Giovanna Bianchi, among others. The link below takes you to a finished Livestream; the video cannot be shown on this page.
Thursday 17 October, 3.00pm session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FhO-KjQu4o
Thursday 17 October, 9.00am session: https://www.youtube.com/@Unisi-DSSBC/streams
13 September 2023: “The Nature of Preindustrial Mining: Environmental Perspectives and Knowledge Creation.”
Guy Geltner
7 April 2022: “The Disruptive Power of Pandemics in Public Health History.”
Guy Geltner
December 2021: “Staying Healthy in a Medieval City.”
Janna Coomans discusses her new book, Community Urban Health and Environment in the Late Medieval Low Countries. Followed by a panel discussion with Claire Weeda and Guy Geltner.
18 November 2021: “Eat, Pray, Dig: Preventative Healthcare Among Miners in Europe, c.1200-1600.”
Guy Geltner
7 September 2021: University of Amsterdam Three Minute Thesis Competition Finals
Lola Digard discusses welfare and forensic science 600 years ago, and discusses how the “medieval” should not be equated with “dark or violent”. For Lola’s presentation, watch from 7:14.
25 June 2021: “Approaches to Life and Health in Medieval Cities”
Online workshop
Guy Geltner
22 April 2021: “Infectious Disease and Public Health”
Guy Geltner
November 2015: Promotional video for “Spreekstof #7: De Smerige Stad met Janna Coomans” [“the filthy city with Janna Coomens”]
Janna Coomans promotes her talk at Huis de Pinto in Amsterdam, where she discusses hygiene in the middle ages. This video is in Dutch.