Medicine in the Medieval North Atlantic World – Online Conference

13–15 May 2021
Maynooth University, Ireland

This interdisciplinary conference explores the reception and transmission of medical knowledge between and across England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Scandinavia during the medieval period, and will draw on history, literature, philosophy, science, religion, art, archaeology and manuscript studies. It will interrogate medical texts and ideas in both Latin and vernacular languages, addressing questions of translation, cultural and scientific inheritance and exchange, and historical conceptions of health and of the human being within nature.

Plenary speakers: Dr Debby Banham (University of Cambridge); Prof. Guy Geltner (Monash University); Prof. Charlotte Roberts (Durham University)

Organising committee: Dr Sarah Baccianti (Queen’s University Belfast); Dr Siobhán Barrett, Dr Bernhard Bauer & Dr Deborah Hayden (Maynooth University)

The conference will be held online on Zoom. Please email us to confirm your wish to participate at:

You can find the programme and presentation abstracts here.

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