CFP: Medicine in the Medieval North Atlantic World

Call for Papers: Medicine in the Medieval North Atlantic World

19–21 March 2020

Maynooth University, Ireland

This interdisciplinary conference, jointly funded by the Irish Research Council and the British Academy, explores the reception and transmission of medical knowledge between and across England, Ireland, Wales, Scotland, and Scandinavia during the medieval period, and will draw on history, literature, philosophy, science, religion, art, archaeology and manuscript studies. It will interrogate medical texts and ideas in both Latin and vernacular languages, addressing questions of translation, cultural and scientific inheritance and exchange, and historical conceptions of health and of the human being within nature.

We welcome proposals for papers of 20 minutes in length (+ 10 minutes of discussion) as well as proposals for postgraduate research posters. Contributions might engage with, but are not limited to:

  • Literature
  • History
  • Anthropology
  • Theology
  • Philosophy
  • Science and technology
  • The body and the soul
  • Charms
  • Leechbooks/Remedies
  • Surgery
  • Wounds (visible and invisible)
  • Health policy
  • Medicine and law
  • Medicine and religion
  • Relationship between the human and non-human
  • Gender and medicine
  • Music/Art as medicine
  • Diet and medicine
  • Physical activity and medicine
  • Medical drawings/illuminations

Proposals (250-300 words) are to be sent to by no later than 15 October 2019, and should contain the following information:

Name; Institutional affiliation (if any); email

Confirmed speakers: Dr Debby Banham (University of Cambridge); Prof. Guy Geltner (University of Amsterdam); Prof. Charlotte Roberts (Durham University)

Organising committee: Dr Sarah Baccianti (Queen’s University Belfast); Dr Siobhán Barrett, Dr Bernhard Bauer and Dr Deborah Hayden (Maynooth University)

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